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Writer's pictureConnor Archer

In the Big Picture!

Many of us are always on the go constantly. Go, Go, Go is how I always explain it to people when I talk to people about what I am doing. For some it's working multiple jobs just to pay the bills and support our families. Others, it is staying busy with things they like to do or have started on their own...that is me in a way.

For my whole life, I have always said yes. Somethings because I was required to. Other things because I was asked to. And other things because I was passionate about doing it. I've said yes to most things, if not everything. And it's because I enjoy helping others...and sometimes stepping in to get something done because I know I can get the job done and do it effectively. That's how I grew up. I was taught and instilled the values of stepping in, even if I didn't know the answer right away. It gives me a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

But to be honest, there are times where it has caused me to make sacrifices in order to do so. Founding the non-profit for example. Launching a business. Leading some great projects. Somedays, it is hard to juggle it all. I don't have regrets for any of that, however. It has made me a better and stronger person and has given me so many positive experiences and relationships (both professional and personal) that I will be forever thankful for.

With that being said, I have said yes too much in my life. Yes to last minute things. Yes to mentoring people. Yes to helping people in general even when I didn't necessarily need to do that. Yes to sitting on committees to provide my experiences. Yes to things that two years ago, I couldn't even imagine. And to be honest, it has been very challenging to navigate especially over the past year. Some of which, has lead me to realize that I have to set boundaries going forward....and say no more often, which includes:

- To be better about setting expectations with others about what can be achieved;

- What can be done;

- And most importantly, how it can be done easier and more efficiently where it isn't as draining on the person.

Throughout all the things I was doing, I was enjoying aspects of it all. Sure, were there stressful moments. You bet there were. That's apart of great work in general. However, as it was pointed out to me recently by a sibling, it was one more thing on the plate to think about each day. To keep track of. To think about at night. To worry about at times, even though the plans were all set to carry forward. And sometimes, it just becomes distracting to the other aspects of your life, whether you realize it or not, that are more important.

In the big picture, we only have a certain number of years in life, because life it too short. To create memories. To get outside and explore. To build friendships. To build relationships. To spend time with those that we care about. To forgive one another if something happened. And to do things that we will remember for years to come. There are moments in life that make us realize all of this more than others. Recently, that moment happened for me. It was unexpected....very unexpected. It didn't happen the way I wanted it to. But it has given me a sense of re-direction that will help shape the rest of my life for the better. Is change scary? Yes. It's always been scary for me at times. It's gotten better over the years. But I've learned that if you don't change, you'll always be in the same place, which in this world, doesn't fair well. So I am excited about what's to come. Excited to take more moments to reflect, to step back, look at the big picture, and stare into the horizon as the sun rises each day bringing on new memories and opportunities to the forefront.

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